Why We Use the name Bhārata Instead of India

Given the unsolicited political affiliation that the words "Bhārat" and "India" received in 2023, we find it necessary to clarify why we use the word "Bhārata" in this project and not "India".

Our use has nothing to do with politics. Our use is because we are a language project and the name "Bhārata" is rooted in the indigenous languages of the nation. It would be untenably ironical if we did not use this name.

Why not "Bhārat", but "Bhārata"? That's because etymologically, it is "Bhārata". As modern Bhāratīya languages such as Hindi and Malayalam developed, "Bhārata" evolved as per the dialect of these languages to "Bhārat" in northern languages, and "Bhāratam" in southern languages. We are just sticking with "Bhārata" because it resembles heritage, originality and a pedigree.

We understand that it may be a little awkard to read "Bhārata" while speaking or writing in English. This is why the other ventures in our ecosystem isn't so strict with the use of "Bhārata" in the context of English. However, being a venture in the langauge domain, Lotha cannot afford this luxury. What's optimistsic is that very soon, we'll all get used to this term in the English context too.